Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kepler Mission

Hi everybody,

Today comes an article about Kepler Mission.

"The Kepler mission is a critical component in NASA's efforts to find and study planets where conditions may be similar to those on Earth," says Jon Morse, director of the Astrophysics Division at the headquarters of the NASA, in Washington.
The mission will be three years and a half looking at more than 100,000 stars like the Sun, in the Swan-Lira region of our galaxy, the Milky Way.
Expected to find hundreds of planets, Earth-sized and larger too, orbiting at different distances from their stars. If Earth-like planets are found within the habitable zone (where the conditions favor the existence of liquid water), Kepler could find dozens of worlds like ours.
On the other hand, if these planets are not very abundant, Kepler could not find them. The Kepler telescope is specially designed for the detection of variable stars and regular brightness caused by the transit of planets. Some star systems are designed so that their planets pass in front of its star as seen from our viewpoint on Earth.

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